Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The 30-Day Twice-Exceptional Challenge Pt 1

Day 1: Write about your exceptionalities (or type, or dictate, etc)
Day 2: Tell someone about twice-exceptionality and neurodiversity
Day 3: Infodump day 1- Tell about a game or hobby
Day 4: Take some me time and read a book or just watch cat videos. In short, take some me time.
Day 5: Post on social media or talk to someone about the phrase "Nothing about us, without us", or something similar.
Day 6: Do something fun. Anything you find fun is allowed.
7-12 will be posted on 6/5/17.
I nominate anyone twice exceptional reading this. Neurotypicals, go away.
P.S. Wednesday is now post day!

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Music is a small thing and a big thing at the same time.
It makes me happy.
It makes me angry.
It brings me much joy.
Music is a way to convey emotion.
Music isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle.
This post is irrelevant and pointless.
Music is art.
Music is self-expression.
Music isn't just something you play and listen to.
Music has power.
Music is like magic.
Music isn't just notes on a page.
Music is beautiful.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

When's The Last Time I've Posted?

It was definitely months ago. At least spring pollen season is over!
I've started a new school, and a new musical instrument: The violin!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The much dreaded pollen season

I am sitting here writing a post, watching my bunny flop, coughing, sneezing, and generally being miserable next to a box of Kleenex. That's right, it's allergy season. I would take a Benadryl, but I have to take an allergy test and Benadryl throws off the results.
I've been eating like a TON of Japanese food lately. Ramen, tempura, sushi, oh yum! I love Japanese sweets, especially ice cream. My favorite, however, is called Fran. It's like Pocky (which is a breadstick covered in creamy stuff) with a ton more coating. It's so buttery.... Agh thinking about Fran is making me hungry. See how THICK that cream is?
My bunny is grooming his little bluish grey body.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DEAD BUNNY FLOP!!! Oh phew he adjusted his position. He's a alive and in the mood for some hay. Bunnies..

Friday, February 12, 2016

Tbh Post| Online Drama.

Welcome to a new posting series here at the TwiceETween, this one about my honest opinion on important and current things.
Ugh, online drama. One of the most annoying things in the universe!
I was in a nasty bit of it awhile ago on a different Google, and ended up quitting YouTube.
Honestly online drama exists in many forms, and sometimes maybe it is okay.
For example: Person A thinks that some people make too big of a deal of disabilities. He makes an Instagram (@Twice_Exceptional_Tween) post about this. Person B says that Person A makes too big of a deal about being non-disabled, and they start a flame war until Person C explains what he thinks Person A meant.
This is not all that great.
But what if person A is mean?
That's horrible, and unfair. Let's be honest, REPORTING DOES NEXT TO NOTHING!!!!!!!!
There is no solution. They will not back off! Almost ever.
And if they do they'll set ridiculous conditions.
It's just not fair, and it's pretty much illegal.
I don't know how to end this post.
Sometimes deep thinker.

New posting schedule

I am pleased to announce...
Every day but Tuesdays!
I may not be able to post occasionally, but I will warn you the day before.
Of course things happens, but honestly, everyone gets sick or has last-minute reschedules, right?
I cannot post tomorrow most likely but I will try, I have a reading bowl.

PSA| Easter rabbits

credit to
I have a rabbit, named Blue. I am more than a little obsessed with him ;)
He chews EVERYTHING. But I love him. He eats like a horse. But I love him.
He is not a toy, and has feelings and needs. I live right next to him.
So if you are thinking about getting a rabbit... Do the research at, and if you do choose a bun, adopt, don't shop! Somebunny will thank you.
Thanks for reading:
Blogger with a bunny!