Saturday, December 26, 2015


A few days ago, I found out something big about myself. That big thing is... Asperger Syndrome. Apparently it's very mild, but a little goes a long way. The big question is,

What is Asperger? 

According to a Google search, it is A developmental disorder affecting ability to effectively socialize and communicate....? In English now.... 
I have trouble reading emotions of people, and I fidget with computer mice by clicking and right clicking, which I can assure you drives people craaa-aaaazzy
The important thing is that I'm human still. I still understand things like cuteness *tilts head towards pet bunny* and fun stuff *tilts head towards 3D printer pen* *pets bunny* even though it's hard for me to read emotions. 
I actually only found out when my psychologist told me because my mom "Didn't know how to break it to me" which kinda drove me crazy.
If you have Asperger Syndrome or autism, remember, it's not your fault, and you are still human. Don't let the whispers and people who are scared of you stop you from being YOU.
                                                               A blogger with a passion: Her pet bunny, Blue.


  1. Hey, I'm not sure you know me, but I'm JayZX535 on Scratch. I saw the link to this blog on your profile, and I wanted to tell you that I have Aspergers Syndrome, too! It's so neat that you're spreading awareness here on your blog- keep it up! :)


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