Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015's last post

Today's post will be a little deep.
The three most important letters in our world are Y, O, and U. Together they spell the most important word in our lives: YOU. 
There is only one person in the world who can make these letters mean something. That person is: YOU. So make those seemingly meaningless letters mean something. Be yourself. 
We are all always told to be ourselves, and what it really means is showing who you are no matter what the cost. 
So write down your name, any name that is meaningful to you and is yours ;) on a piece of paper or even in MS Word or a painting program. For each letter, write something that gives meaning to those 3 letters and make it yours. Always.       
(image credit: 
For example: LEEZA~ Good Writer, Unique Taste, Potterhead, Lover of all Bunnies <3 crazy.="" div="" grammar="">
This is IN NO WAY one of those wretched write 5 good things about yourself exercises. I can assure you, I hate those as much as or more than you do. 
Thanks for reading, 


  1. Hi! This is @TheHalfBloodPrincess from Scratch. I am also a HUGE fan of anything Snape! I'll try the exercise.

  2. On the top bit: Heyo! I know something. It was by Ellesong. Did you know there are over 7 billion people in the world and even though we do not know them and we may not have met them, there is you. You are amazing.


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